How Is Glaucoma Managed With Medication?

How Is Glaucoma Managed with Medication?

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve and cause visual field loss. While there is no cure for glaucoma, it can be effectively managed with medication to control eye pressure and slow down the progression of the disease. If you suspect glaucoma, you must see our optometrist. Family Vision Clinic in Farmington, MN, will develop the right treatment plan for you and prevent vision loss. Our doctor will suggest pills or eye drops if you suffer from this condition.

Eye Drops

The primary medication method for glaucoma is using medicated eye drops. These eye drops are designed to reduce intraocular pressure by decreasing fluid production in the eye or improving drainage. Our doctor will prescribe one type of eye drop for two weeks to see if it works. If not, they suggest you try a different type or combination of two different types of eye drops.


If eye drops do not help and the pressure in your eyes remains high, your doctor may prescribe you special medications. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are the most common medications used for treating this type of eye condition. They help slow down the production of fluids in the eyes and reduce pressure.

Whether you are prescribed medications or eye drops, it is important to follow the treatment plan developed by your doctor and take the medicine regularly.

Family Vision Clinic Comprehensive and Quality Optometry Services

If you have symptoms of glaucoma, it is important to see an optometrist as soon as possible. If you are looking for a clinic in Farmington, MN, or any other nearby area, don't hesitate to contact Family Vision Clinic. We offer various services to keep your eyes healthy and functioning at their best. For further details, visit our website or call (651) 463-2020.


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