Pink Eye Relief

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is the inflammation of the transparent membrane that lines your eyelid and eyeball. Although pink eye is commonly seen in children, it can occur at any age. It is highly contagious, making it essential to seek professional treatment. If you or a family member has pink eye, our team at Family Vision Clinic can provide the testing and treatment needed for optimal relief.

Causes of Pink Eye

There are many causes of pink eye. Most patients suffer from pink eye due to viral infection. Other causes include bacterial infections, allergens, chemicals that get into the eye, and blocked tear ducts.

Symptoms of Pink Eye

Although there are many different kinds of pink eye, the symptoms are similar. The eyes are red, irritated, itchy, tear up more than usual, and may ooze pus or other discharge. Symptoms can appear in one or both eyes. Pink eye infections caused by bacteria will make the lymph nodes swell or feel tender. Patients suffering from pink eye due to allergies often experience a runny nose.

When to See an Eye Doctor

Usually, pink eye clears up after one or two days. However, contact our eye care team immediately if you have it for longer than two days, feel pain in the eye, experience vision problems, have a fever, get chills, or cannot tolerate normal amounts of light. There are many serious eye problems that share similar symptoms to pink eye. Our optometrist can diagnose the root cause of your symptoms and provide the appropriate treatment plan.

Treating Pink Eye

Pink eye treatment from our eye doctor may include medicated eye drops, oral medications like steroids, decongestants, antihistamines, or mast cell stabilizers. Stop wearing contact lenses when experiencing pink eye, since this can worsen your symptoms. If you wear makeup, you may need to throw out what you have because of contamination.

Visit Us for Professional Eye Care in Farmington

If you have pink eye, contact us at Family Vision Clinic for a professional assessment. Our eye doctor will work with you to treat the condition and prevent it from spreading to others.


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